Impact of the privatisation in/of education on girls’ right to education
In your view, has privatisation in/of education led to the exclusion of women and girls from enjoying equal access to educational opportunities or otherwise impeded their ability to realise their right to education on equal footing with men and boys? If so, why? Do you have some examples?
Has privatisation in/of education resulted in other detrimental impacts on women and girls, such as the use of gender insensitive curricula or the propagation of gender stereotypes? If so, why? Do you have some examples?
Does your organisation have any specific research or case studies highlighting the impact of privatisation on women and girls?
What do you think are the key messages to communicate to the CEDAW Committee around the issue of privatisation in/of education and its impact on girls?
(The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is preparing a General Recommendation on girls and women’s right to education, which is a document produced by the Committee to give guidance on the interpretation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (more information). For this purpose, the Committee is holding a half-day discussion on the topic on 7th July. Non-governmental organisations and experts are also invited to send written contributions by 20th June (more information)