This report on ‘Privatization and its Impact on the Right to Education of Women and Girls,’ is informed by an e-consultation held via the Right to Education Project Discussion Forum, as well as over Facebook and Twitter. The discussion forum is a global, multilingual online forum. The e-consultation began on 15 May 2014. In addition, this written submission was also informed by a recent two-day workshop held in Geneva, Switzerland (from 13-14 June) addressing privatization and the human right to education. The workshop brought together advocates from 12 different countries (Belgium, Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Morocco, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, UK, and USA), advocates representing networks from Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and advocates from civil society organizations, including teachers, working at a global level.
The workshop specifically addressed gender discrimination within the context of privatization of education and was used as an opportunity to gather inputs into this written submission.